Friday Favorites #29

Happy Friday, friends!

Passover started on Monday and we had both Monday and Tuesday night Seders at my aunt's house, locally here in New Jersey. I worked the beginning  of the week and have yesterday and today off which is nice! The store is also closed on Easter so I am hoping to spend the day outdoors since the weather is suppose to be gorgeous.

As always be sure to share in the comments or leave a comment on Instagram what you are loving this week or what is making you smile!

Countdown: 16 Days

A goal I recently set was to take lunches to work everyday. Here are 20 lunches that you can meal prep on Sunday!

Great lessons from a woman working in the White House. With so many women now looking to take on roles in politics this is a great read.

With my trip to Spain in 16 days I am already thinking about packing lists.

From the East Coast to the West Coast here are some great budget bites! Being on the East Coast I have added some of these locations to my list for the summer!

Small goals I always tell myself are more attainable. I needed the inspiration to lose 10 pounds.

What are you loving this week?



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