Pink Sky

The past few nights if you have been on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or Facebook I am sure you have seen some amazing photos of the sky lately. The colors are absolutely beautiful and have literally stopped me dead in my tracks.

Here is my shot last night on Instagram. Follow, if you aren't already!

As I was cleaning my room I happened to come across my camera, which I took as a sign to head outside and get some cools shots! I am so happy I did, because some of them came out great in my opinion. I have worked for photographers, with photographers, and for a camera company so the passion is there, no questions there.

The sky that pink is something we should enjoy in the moment. It is the smallest things in life that we should embrace and enjoy. Now if only I had Rose to drink while watching the sunset, it would have been even better.

What do you enjoy taking photos of? Do you ever just look up and wonder?



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