OK, 2019 I'm ready for you!

I can't believe we are less then a week away from 2019. Do you remember the highlights of the year? What about the disappointments? Wonder what you could or would have done different? What about your proudest moment? I've been asking myself a lot of questions as of late. Some I have answers for and others I just can't find the words. Yet at the same time I feel like I am ready to enter 2019. 2019 is the year of:
- Smashing goals
- Traveling more
- Filling my life with more genuine people
- Taking care of my health
- Nourishing my soul
- Living my most positive life What's on your list for 2019. Are you calling them resolutions? I don't like that word, and try to not use it in my vocabulary. More and more I believe if we speak it, we will manifest it. There has been a lot of soul searching, deep conversations with colleagues, and sitting quietly and writing and reflecting. Change is hard. If it was easy we would all do it, and do it often. Sometimes in life, you just have to go for it. Take that leap of faith. Jump feet first. That's what I am going to do this year.....How about you? XoXo, Tracy


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